Sunday, June 1, 2008

305 GS-Living Room continued.

The last post got a little truncated but here is some more info. At the the end of the cafe chair project we had three chairs that were too small to be comfortable for people sitting at a table. Therefore we decided to "graft" these three together. Madeline had the idea that they should be labeled one, two, three. And Nels thought that the lettering should be variates of the gray colors. The living room is shaping up. It probably will not be as strict as the drawings I worked out, mostly because some wonderful Art has come into my life. One painting by Jean Glenn in Atlanta-a very talented painter and old friend. And Cindy Neal has done a beautiful portrait of Madeline; she does narrative portraits of children- she interviewed Madeline then photographed her and now we have a very wonderful artifact of her life as a "City Kid". So next is the beautiful sofa with Peter Fasano fabric and we will be done! Room 1-

1 comment:

almost eloise said...

The numbers were my idea! :D