I had something nice happen in class this morning that I wanted to share. During the Book Report week in History a student was discussing Mies Van der Rohe and the IIT Crown Hall-he earnestly added "and its quite a beautiful building". I had not studied very much before this and I quite agree with his assessment. Now I want to go see the work of Mies because of Robert's recommendation.
Annie: Crown Hall is a really beautiful building – we were monumentally pumped to be able to teach a studio there last year – but working in it…. Let's just say that form triumphed over function a bit. The temperature swings from sauna to ice locker over the course of the day, afternoon desk reviews require sunglasses, and the requirement for horizontality means no pin-up space for students. Still, the gorgeousness is pretty heavy. See Coudal's visual tribute here:
Thanks....sadly many great modern buildings (and a lot of architecture schools?) did not have the performance issues worked out YET....
Stay tuned for the next generation.
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